Still a Hero
Reaching back to 2019 with another image from my David-Bowie-inspired Glam Rock session with the lovely Mandy Berry. The idea to pay homage to the Heroes album cover session was Mandy’s and I was all-in on this as soon as she mentioned it. While we did re-create the iconic image of the Heroes album cover (it was posted a quite a while back) there were several other images including this one which I haven’t yet shared. All of the images from this set honor the work of Masayoshi Sukita from his shoot with David Bowie in April of 1977.
(Google Sukita to see more of his work)
Olympus OMD-EM1 mkII
Sigma 56mm 1.4 lens
Savage Universal light gray washed muslin backdrop
Interfit Honeybadger strobe in a 24X32 Softbox
Processed in Camera Raw
1/200 | f.32 | iso 200