While the services I offer to the public consists primarily of headshot and portrait work, there are several other types of photographic work I enjoy. Below are some examples of work in other photographic pursuits of which I’m passionate. I’m certainly open to getting commissions along the lines of this work so please reach out to me if you have a project where I can contribute.


From 2011 to 2018 I had the opportunity to shoot photos at the track at Barber Motorsports Park. I would shoot the AMA / MotoAmerica races as well as WERA racing during the Vintage Festival.

Street Photography

I started shooting street photography a few years ago when travelling and I have captured so much over the past few years I created site dedciated to my street work. Click the image below to go to Via Vignettes.


I love photographing people but I also enjoy the challenge of shooting product photography. Here are some of my images used for product reviews and promotions.

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