The stunning Stephanie Owens graced the space in front of my lens back in September to create some images for her recent single release of “Mary, Did You Know?”. We captured a lot of keepers in this session but this was the one she decided to use for the release and I think she definitely made the right choice. Kudos to Carmen on this one for coming up with crossed arms pose here. Stephanie was so great to work with and I’m so glad she reached out to collaborate on this. Thank you so much, Stephanie!

Sony A7r II
Sony 24-105mm f4.0 lens
4) Godox AD600 Strobes
48″ parabolic softbox to camera left
24X32 softbox to camera right
1 strobe to each side on the background
Background is Savage Accent series gray muslin backdrop which is overexposed a couple of stops to create the winter”y” look.